The starting production of this magazine started with a figure posing for a picture however this dose not mean using phones and posting them on the web. A professional camera was used in a room with a blank white wall i told the figure how and where to stand and the photo was then taken and uploaded where it would be edited using Adobe Photoshop.
Editing this photo started by changing the brightness and contrast of the image to make it a more visible image and so that it would come of the canvas as so many other magazine covers do. Next using colour balance was use to lighten the mid tones and darken certain areas with the shadows. There was a part of me that wanted to texture the figure.
However i thought this would make the image look to fake and therefore went with using the Sharpen filter to make it look more realistic. Finally the shadows and highlights tool was used to make the image come out more to the audience also to make it look professionally done by a photographer.
Once this image was finished next was the name of the magazine i decided to use FLIX as it links in with the common slang "movie-flick" so that was the idea behind the name using a custom font the title is "blocky" text and comes off the screen well and makes it look genuine.
Once the title was implemented other text had to come next a basic font was used on the smaller text such as the pricing and information about the magazine the more unappealing side of the magazine.
However other text like the headlines,sub headlines and movies were typed with another custom font to link with the theme of a "blocky" text that comes of the magazine finally one of the sections of fonts was put into italics a clever way to change the feel of the magazine and leaving the reader wanting more.
Moving a way from text it was now a time to focus on a border for the magazine i decide to use diagonal stripes to be used as it links with "Clapper Board" these are used in takes of movies however with two sets of vertical stripes made it look like a cliche so one set was taken from the image.
The first set of stripes still made the image look armature at best so the stripes were moved and deleted in certain spots so not interfere with the other images. On the other hand a shape tool was used to make the offer logo for the net-flix code offering this is used as a selling technique and pushes the offer to the reader as they get something from the magazine. Shapes were also used as background images for some text to bring it off the page the same is done for specific images.
Lastly the images were found on the internet and were cropped and put into certain areas to make it fit with the theme of a movie magazine these images were the bar-code,Hancock 2 and the net-flix logo also a drop shadow was faded behind the FLIX title to make it more elegant and professional.
Next was to find primary examples to base my work off however there are only two primary sources of media magazine that are universally recognized these were both Total-film and Empire Magazine these two sources were found on the internet and two of the most appealing pieces that caught my eye were used as a looking glass so i could get a better perspective of how a media magazine should look. Below are the two examples i used to base my work off.

As seen above the two primary examples are professionally done and look appealing to the eye in both positioning and originality.(Below again is the finished product as its the next section of the blog it also gives you an idea of what it looks like compared to others)

The FlIX magazine now finished looks like a common media magazine not in the sense that its bad in the sense that it looks as it should i am happy with the result of this as it was taken from two major magazine titles and then was made off of that.
The positioning of the text is ideal as it dose not have to much text so that it annoys the reader also making the texts vary in sizes shows the most important parts of the magazine off to the reader also making the most important parts the lightest colours on screen grabs the audience towards the magazine.
Furthermore the specific areas in where the text place does its job as a selling point the cost is linked to the title and dose not scare the reader away as it is the thing they notice first rather then last this is a unique selling point as the reader is more interested in whats in the magazine then the price. As so many other magazines do.
The use of a border is effective so that the magazine isn't just a blank image it also takes off space to any areas which are blank are now covered so it makes it look professional this was a technique used by empire magazine.
The use of having a young figure off to the side gives the magazine room to put information into areas it also gives the reader an interest in that this person is a mystery and they are determined to find out what it is this is basic human nature.
Also a young figure appeals to a younger audience which is the main audience i am appealing to the audience being young adults to middle age adults those interested in film more specific.
In conclusion the used of varying text size and a professionally done image of a figure/character make the magazine look genuine. However more could have been done so it looked more like other more recognized magazines and so it didn't look as a common magazine.On the other hand the use of a specific colour scheme and shapes make it stand out to the reader. Out of all of this i can say the work is good but more could be done in my opinion.